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Setting up Emails – IONOS

1 min read

iONOS Hosting

You can use your IONOS email address with any email program. Simply enter your email credentials and IONOS email server settings in the program of your choice.

You should Create a IONOS Email Address in IONOS first, if you have not done so already.

Please note: Many email programs automatically detect your email server details and complete the setup without having to enter the data manually. It is suggested not to manually enter the server settings or adjust them manually unless you have problems sending and receiving emails.


Choice of account type #

When setting up the account in your email program, you can set up the account using either IMAP or POP. We recommend using IMAP.


Access data for your account #

Username Your complete email address, such as account@example.co.uk
Password The password to your email address. You can set a new email account password in your IONOS Customer Account or Webmail if lost or forgotten.


Account settings for IMAP #

Incoming Mail Server
Server address imap.ionos.co.uk
Port (for SSL Encryption) 993
Port (Unsecured) 143
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)
Server smtp.ionos.co.uk
Port (for SSL) 465
Port (TLS/STARTTLS, alternative to SSL) 587


Account settings for POPs #

Incoming Mail Server
Server Address pop.ionos.co.uk
Port (for SSL Encryption) 995
Port (Unsecured) 110
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)
Server address smtp.ionos.co.uk
Port (for SSL) 465
Port (TLS/STARTTLS, alternative to SSL) 587

Please note: Activate the SMTP authentication option for the outgoing mail server (SMTP), not the SPA option.

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